Frequently Asked Questions

How much will it cost?

Our basic hourly rate for our proofing and editing services varies between US$35 and US$45 an hour (NZ$45 – NZ$60) with a discounted rate for students.

We use these rates to give you a fixed quote based on what you ask us to do and the sample of your document that you provide.


We’ve emailed you our quote. What now?

After you have received our quote you should check –

  • Have we understood what you want us to do?
  • Are we planning to do more work or less than you expected?
  • Are you happy with our standard terms and conditions?
  • Will you pay the given amount when the work is complete?

You need to email back to us as soon as possible to say you accept the quote.  Normally we don’t start work until we hear back from you.  If you wait until it is close to your deadline then we have to treat your document as “Urgent” and our charges may need to go up.