Terms and Conditions

Written Agreement

Prior to starting any work for you we will agree with you in writing:

  • What you want us to do
  • When you will send us the work and what the deadline is for completion
  • How much you are to pay for this service
  • When and how payment is to be made

At the same time we will remind you that these Terms and Conditions also apply to our agreement.

This agreement will normally be set out in an email. We are happy to use your standard contract and confidentiality terms if you want.


Our Guarantee

We guarantee to do what has been agreed by the agreed deadline, unless prevented by circumstances beyond our control.

We will do all that we can to provide you with a high quality result from our editing and writing services, but we do not guarantee 100% perfection – although that is what we aim for.


Your role

Some of the things that we can’t control in fact depend on you.

To make sure that we meet your deadlines, you need to:

  • Give us a valid email address to contact you
  • Have enough storage to receive the edited documents
  • Respond promptly to our emails
  • Provide us with documents/materials that are the length agreed
  • Provide documents similar in language and complexity to the sample provided

It is entirely your choice to accept or reject any change or correction we suggest. You remain solely responsible for the finished document and how it is used. This also means that you are responsible for the legality of your document and whether it meets any other external requirements (university regulations, publication or company style guides).

If you ask us to proofread your thesis we will follow these Guidelines for Editing Research Theses unless your university has substantially different standards.

If you are a student writing an essay or piece of work for credit, it is up to you to do the research and the first draft. We do not write essays for you and we take care to make sure that you remain the true author. But we do edit for accuracy and academic tone and advise you if we see areas to improve or to avoid plagiarism.



If you are unhappy with what we have done, let us know within 7 days after receiving the final edit/draft (14 days if the document in question is longer than 50,000 words) and we will revise if necessary or explain what we have done. If we don’t hear from you within this time period then you have accepted our work as complete.

If you have any other concerns at any stage, please raise them directly with us as soon as possible. We will address them promptly.



We can cancel our agreement with you without notice if we feel it necessary. It’s unlikely that this will happen but if it does you won’t owe us anything.

You can also cancel the agreement with us without notice. If you do this we will charge you for the work done to that point and provide you with the results of the unfinished work. You agree to make this payment as soon as we tell you what you owe.


Other conditions

Sometimes circumstances are outside of everyone’s control. These might include corrupted files, loss of power (here that probably means gale force winds or a major earthquake), no access to the internet for an extended period of time, or other circumstances.

We won’t accept your order in the first place if we feel uncomfortable with the content or intent of your document, or if we know we can’t meet your deadline.



Unless agreed otherwise, payment is due immediately on completion of our work.

We accept payment through Paypal (which also handles credit cards) or by direct deposit/funds transfer in NZ$ to our New Zealand bank account.

If we have to charge you New Zealand GST that will be included in any quotation we give you.

We can invoice you and provide receipts in the currency of your choice.


Quotations and Estimates

If you know exactly how long your document is (including footnotes, appendices and bibliography), what you want us to do with it and can provide a sample section or chapter (at least 1000 words) then we can give you a fixed quote as to what our services will cost and this will then go into our written agreement with you.

Obviously if for whatever reason it turns out that your document is longer or more difficult to work on than the sample provided then we will stop work and come back to you to get your approval for a revised quote before we carry on.

We are happy to provide a price estimate if you know roughly what is to be done. This estimate does not commit either of us and can be revised at any time once we all know more about what needs doing.

If you really have no idea as to how much work and time you want from us before we start work, we may need to agree on rates based on time and materials used.


Privacy and Confidentiality

We won't share your information with anyone else without your consent. Your documents will be removed from our systems after 6 months unless you ask us to delete them sooner or hold onto them longer.

We're also happy to sign a confidentiality agreement if requested.